Reverie Alone Will Do

A collection of reflections


This combination of journalistic history, autobiographical archive and vivid portraiture augments the narrative of Homan's previous memoir, (’Out Here in the Stars … a memoir,” ISBN: 9781078766401), and contributes to the collective consciousness of LGBTQIA literature. Confirming for future generations what one "Baby Boomer" experienced (and survived), while both encouraging and comforting other's struggles and personal journeys. Five chapters from the first book plus additional short stories and personal essays, offer insights with which you may or may not agree but which you will find difficult to dismiss.

RAWD contains many examples of effective crossovers between three stylistic modes: Journalistic/sociological; autobiography/history; and portrait/scene. The mix is seamless - the narration is lucid, vivid, and completely effective. The moments where the three elements blend are among the best of the book, which is both fascinating and rewarding.

Using Erikson’s stages of development as a structure gives the collection a sense of unity and becomes the book’s theme at its heart. Erikson not only develop the eight stages, but also eight Existential Questions, one for each step. With the prominence of the word "Reverie" in its title, the collection allows connections and associations to migrate, dreamlike, between narrative layers among the stories and essays of the collection, trying to answers these questions.

"I had the pleasure of reading both books ... The caregiver challenges you faced and mastered (in OHITS) especially struck a chord. Nicely done. Both were beautifully written."

Gerard. A. Lozeau, COL, USA, Retired